Mas Cerca De Dios

Build your dream

Bliss & Abundance

Manifesting requires matching objectives and resources. But for this to be joyful, you need to be able to vibrate abundance and, ideally, share it…


So your investment doesn’t just offer you the chance to live in paradise, it can also generate income:

By renting out the accommodation on your plot

By developing your sessions and programmes while taking advantage of the Temple’s attractiveness and administrative support

By capitalising on the increasing value of your asset

Once you’ve bought your plot, you’re free to build a cabaña, a magic house or a lovely tent… Bienvenidos 😉

Assist Build team

Designing, implementing and maintaining a construction project requires time, skills and organisation.

Because we know that each new member has different needs and priorities, we offer a service to assist in these sensitive aspects of construction.

When you join us, the team offers you free listening and advice and directs you to a selection of professionals: architects, builders, material suppliers, etc.

Afterwards, if you wish, personalised services for a fee will help you to build the house of your dreams, at the right price and in the best conditions of time and safety.

Accommodation Rental

Owners will be able to rent out their accommodation. They can do this themselves or through the estate’s specialised rental service.


For a percentage of the rental income, this company will take care of all aspects: marketing and sales, reception, cleaning and maintenance.


An annual Management Agreement will clearly define the parameters of this partnership, in order to ensure efficiency, security and profitability for all.

Ownership and use

We have chosen to live here in accordance with our values.

It is therefore the responsibility of the owners to ensure that their visitors or tenants are compatible with the spirit of the place, if they wish to access the communal areas.

Environemental guidelines

We want to promote a protected natural environment and an optimum quality of life. To this end, we have adopted an environmental guideline.


It is a starting point that will be enriched by everyone’s contributions, particularly with regard to the ecological aspect.


Is the minimum size
for a lot

1O %

Of the plot surface may be built on (excluding shade palapas)

2 Max

Buildings may be erected per 1000 m2

Aesthetics and landscape integration are also decisive factors, so:

Natural materials are preferred for buildings and facilities

Concrete and laminate, if used, should be concealed as much as possible

Residential buildings should be limited to 1 storey, ideally with no upper storey to blend in better with the landscape

Regulation is essential to guarantee our general well-being over time.

A specific application must be submitted for each construction project, detailing at least :

  • the precise plans
  • the location
  • the materials used
  • and the construction schedule


Because we want to protect our natural environment and take peace and quiet very seriously the entire land will be dog free. 

This applies to residents, but also to visitors or workers.