Mas Cerca De Dios

What we offer

We are offering around fifteen people the opportunity to take part in the adventure and live on site (totally or partially) by buying a plot of land starting at 1000 M2.


The main road is already completed. It will be passable all year round and maintained jointly by us and the vendor. The roads and pedestrian accesses inside the estate to reach the plots will be built once the Master Plan has been finalised.


Each plot will have its own access, although some will only be accessible on foot.


The geophysical study has confirmed what the ancients had predicted: the abundant presence of water in the subsoil.


To ensure maximum security of supply, a deep well will be drilled on land owned jointly by us and Santos. The well will be powered by a solar system, to protect us from any power cuts.


There is 4G at the top of the land.

A Starlink broadband connection will be installed in phase 2.


At present, the land is not connected to the public grid. Work on this part of Zapotal is scheduled to start at the end of 2023. Once the last pole has been installed at the owner’s small ranch, we will run an underground line to connect our land.

However, we want to promote an environmentally friendly and resilient supply. So we’ll be inviting future residents to install a solar system.

Ideally, this will be fitted with a bi-directional meter connected to the public grid, making it possible to add value to one’s own electrical output, reduce the need for battery storage and be autonomous in the event of a grid failure.

Our team will be with you every step of the way.

From choosing the plot best suited to your wishes and your budget, to the legal form best suited to your project and your situation.

Land Price

The price of the land varies between 390 & 680 Pesos /M2 for the first wave.

  • It will increase as the project progresses
  • The minimum surface area is 1000 m2, starting at 390 000 Pesos 
  • The price also depends on the location and surface area


The sales revenue will be allocated to

Finance the land

Finance shared

Reward the
project team

Annual residential Fee

Insofar as the owners and their closest relations benefit from the shared infrastructure, it is only natural that everyone should contribute to its maintenance.


The amount will depend on the buildings and services that are actually operational over time, as well as their maintenance costs and will include in particular:

Maintenance and improvement of buildings

Water Supply

Maintenance of water and electricity networks

Development and maintenance of the planting programme

We anticipate an annual contribution of between 9500 & 23 000 Pesos.

Depending on actual needs and expenses, this amount will be decided each year by the Founder Members, after consultation with the co-owners assembly and in full transparency.

Access to the Temple

Residents will enjoy privileged access to the Temple and the whole experience it offers:


  • Free use for practice and free activities


  • Reduced rates for paying activities


  • Priority on the schedule for your workshops and events, and preferential rental rates


  • Together, we create events and reap the rewards of our involvement


We have considered how the site will be managed to best serve the general interests of residents and harmony, but also to guarantee the meaning, integrity and security of the project over time.


We offer 4 types of membership status:

Founding Members (FM)

These are the people behind the project. They administer and manage the site, approve the developments considered at the owners meeting and receive the income from the general activities.

If one of them leaves, they can only be replaced with the unanimous agreement of the remaining MF.

The Familia Owners (FO)

You and those who join us.

Even if they are not in charge of managing the site, Familia  Owners are of course invited to take part in the co-creation process; the game needs players!


Who will come for the day or for a longer or shorter stay. 


These are our friends and family, whom we invite to stay with us. 


The land we are about to inhabit was handed over a hundred years ago, during the Mexican revolution, to the peasants who have since stewarded it.


However, it remains the property of the agrarian communities who administer these territories in the interests of the people who live there.

From Santos father, to Santos, and then to us, the “bienes communales” pass on the “use” of the land.


Today, our company FSHL, is acquiring these usage rights.

When you join us, you buy a percentage of the shares in this Mexican company.

This percentage is proportional to the M2 you are acquiring and gives you full rights to enjoy your plot, in compliance with our environmental guidelines.

Shares in the company and rights of use thus constitute your assets, which you are free to sell or transfer.


This company, in which we are all shareholders, manages the estate in the interest of all concerned, in line with our own values.

Exit strategy

Owners will have the option of selling their plot. 


This transfer will be governed by the following rules:

  • Priority to FM, then to FO
  • Agreement of the new buyer required: 75% of the FO and 100% of the FM